Psychic Blog
The Legend of The Kelpie
30 Jan 2025

Kelpies are mythological creatures which have always fascinated me. These ancient dark Fae creatures are extremely rare and feared, yet beautiful and addictive to most mortals (as many of the Fae are).
Shape-Shifting Creatures
The Kelpie (or in Scottish Gaelic: Each-Uisge) is a shape shifting creature of the Faerie world. Originating in Scotland and around the Scottish and Irish lochs. Almost every large body of water in and around Scotland has its own unique Kelpie story, however they are also known to reside near streams and in fact any body of natural running water. The form they usually take is that of a large horse, brutal and nightmarish in appearance and often bearing water elements such as seaweed or kelp itself. It can also adopt a human form, however as with all Fae creatures when this happens it usually seems almost too perfect in appearance or still retains a supernatural ambiance. Sometimes they give their true nature away by allowing water reeds to remain in their hair.
Beautiful & Enchanting
Kelpies may appear beautiful and enchanting. However, they live to entrap and tempt humans to their death. They seek out humans, usually those who are in need of something or are willing to make a bargain. Goading people into making deals with them that most often than not lead to their death. They often appear to lone people and offer whatever this person wants the most, in exchange for something. Sometimes this exchange may involve something material for the Kelpie or even another human’s life. Often the Kelpie will offer the human a ride on its back, and being enthralled by the beauty of the creature the human cannot resist. Once they climb onto the horse, however, they are doomed and the Kelpie will take great pleasure in drowning them in the nearby water.
Capturing a Kelpie
Capturing and holding a Kelpie is extremely hard (and perilous as no Fae creature fares well in a cage). Legend says that if you use a halter stamped with the sign of a cross you may control the creature for a while. This never fares well as Kelpies are renowned for their talent of seeking revenge.
Calling a Kelpie to you can be done at any running body of water where one resides. Simply calling them out and offering something they may want as part of a bargain is a sure way to get their attention. Another way would be to learn the Kelpies true individual name, as knowing a Fae creature’s true name gives you complete power over them! However, finding this name would be almost impossible as this is always a creature’s most guarded secret.
Kelpies have always been one of my favourites of the Fae creatures. Brutal and fierce yet also beautiful and powerful. If you would like to read a more modern take on the Kelpie story, a favourite of mine is ‘The Scorpio Races’ by Maggie Stiefvater.
Best wishes as always,
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